Vocabulary Quiz

Vocabulary Quiz -
Fill in the (missing word)

  1. I knew he would (_____ ) famous one day.
    to be / be / will
  2. He said that( _____ )help me.
    he’d / he would to / he woulded
  3. I asked him to walk faster but he (____ ) at first.
    would / wouldn’t / ‘d
  4. As children we would (____) together every day.
    playing / to play / play
  5. Nobody knew that one day he (____) be rich.
    will / would / would to
  6. If you asked me (____) say you were crazy.
    would I / I’d would/ I’d
  7. Would you (___) to go?
    like / liked to / like
  8. Do you think he’d help? | I’m sure (____) if you asked.
    he help / he’d / he would
  9. He would (____) to be improving.
    seem / seems / seem’d
  10. We want to play tennis. I wish (___) stop raining.
    it would / it had / it will